Uniflex adds dimension to habitual layouts. We don’t dwell only on the creation of statical 3D packaging image, our aim is to show it to you in a convenient interactive form.
Using special Esko software we create the dynamic image of packaging, which we will print.
What can you do with 3D layout?
1. Rotate the layout vertically and horizontally to simulate the product look depending on shelf display.
2. See the finished design “alive” with the imitation of materials, paints, printing types and finishing technologies.
3. Examine the layout in finest details in order to verify the text and make sure that important design elements are out of sealing and folding zones.
4. Evaluate the layout from a distance to simulate a whole picture of the packaging perception by consumers.
5. Take along: Esko Studio Viewer is available for desktops and mobile devices.
6. Submit the 3D-layout to a “field test”: place a mobile device near to competitors products and estimate design chances of winning a real battle for a customer.
Layouts are fully scalable
Test the design not in static images, but in the most realistic conditions. Only a simple and free Esko Studio Viewer software is needed to view packaging and labels 3D layouts on any device.
Read how the Belvingroup company has come up with a new fresh design of sparkling wine product line and how Uniflex has printed it.
We live in the three-dimensional world and are surrounded by three-dimensional objects. In stores, we make a selection from three-D packaging and labels on three-D jars. But when it comes to packaging and label design, printing houses and brand agencies continue to work with a plain surface as is customary.
In December 2016 Bulbash company launched a new-year Limited Edition product line with bright bottles and color-matched labels with organic-whole look. In this article we will share interesting facts about Bulbash label printing.
Uniflex team was excited to work on the new self-adhesive labels for the RANINA product line, a new brand of wine by Dugladze Wine Company.